Ayurvedic herbs are quite effective in the treatment of ascites

Ascites is accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity. Ascites is caused very commonly due to cirrhosis and severe liver disease. Sometimes the fluid buildup is mild and cannot be detected externally. But in extreme cases, the fluid builds up to such a large extent that it causes severe abdominal distention. The condition is quite painful and the person suffering from it finds it extremely inconvenient to even move around. In Sanskrit, ascites is called jalodara. This word is made up from two words jala meaning water and udara meaning stomach. In normal conditions, the peritoneal fluid is up to a specific quantity, just enough to provide the necessary protection. But in some cases, the volume of this fluid can increase drastically. This is what leads to ascites. Ascites itself is a symptom of several serious problems. The presence of ascites may indicate liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, heart failure, pericarditis and even cancers. People who consume excessive alcohol are at very high risk of developing cirrhosis, which may cause ascites. Lack of exercise is also linked with ascites. People leading a sedentary lifestyle and sleeping in the daytime can suffer from ascites later in their lives. Ascites can be prevented by taking care of certain factors such as by avoiding drinking alcohol. Alcoholism is responsible for a big percentage of ascites related problems in the world. It can also be prevented by lead an active lifestyle. Exercising helps to build up the abdominal muscles which prevents the accumulation of fluids in the peritoneal cavity. Ayurvedic or herbal treatment for Ascites has been available in many countries for centuries. The ascites research and its various complications have resulted in the discovery of the curative properties of several herbs for ascites. Terminalia arjuna is one such herb which is very effective in the treatment of ascites. Terminalia Arjuna is a unique medicinal plant widely used in Ayurvedic medicine to support optimal cardiac and liver health. The herb possesses diuretic properties and hence it is effective in the removal of excess fluids from the body. Tecoma undulata has a special potency as accumulation breaking herb and helps in contracting the spleen. It is used in the diseases like ascites, liver and spleen disorders, jaundice, hepatitis. The black nightshade is also an important ingredient in Ayurvedic preparations for the treatment of ascites caused due to the cirrhosis of the liver. The black nightshade is known for its diuretic properties. Kantakari is an effective herb used in the treatment of ascites and dropsy. It helps in the expulsion of all fluids in the body of the person. Ayurvedic Liver treatment product Kamalahar is proven to be quite effective in the treatment of liver disorder including treatment of ascites, cirrhosis, hepatitis, jaundice. It is the combination of herbs present in Kamalahar which makes it very effective.

Fatty Liver may be the next major health problem for urban people

Fatty liver is expected to be a major health problem in urban areas due to the increasing affluent lifestyle and poor dietary habits.Liver Foundations have said these two factors were leading to many obese and overweight people in urban areas. Fatty liver is quite harmlful. In fact it has been shown to progress to liver scarring, hardening and also liver cancer.

Lifestyle modifications like exercise and a healthy diet are effective in preventing fatty liver in most individuals.

Most patients are asymptomatic and usually discovered the condition incidentally because of abnormal liver function tests or enlarged liver discovered when they saw the doctor for something unrelated.

Elevated liver enzymes are found in 50% of patients with simple steatosis (fatty change). Some patients developed non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (Nash).

It is thought that about 80% of individuals with fatty liver will not develop significant liver disease. The other 20% will develop Nash. From this, between 20% and 30% will go on to develop cirrhosis and end-stage liver disease, where the only real treatment is a liver transplant.

Ayurvedic medicine Kamalahar is highly effective treatment for fatty liver. It has ayurvedic ingredients which is every effective for the treatment of liver disorders including treatment of hepatitis, treatment of fatty liver, treatment of cirrhosis, treatment of ascites.

Khatore Pharmaceuticals resolves on World Hepatitis Day to expand the reach of ayurvedic medicine Kamalahar to hepatitis patients all over the world

World hepatitis day is observed on July 28 every year. World Hepatitis Day is an annual event that each year provides international focus for patient groups and people living with hepatitis B and C. It aims to raise global awareness of hepatitis B and hepatitis C and encourage prevention, diagnosis and treatment. If Hepatitis is left untreated and unmanaged, it can lead to liver cirrhosis and complications like liver cancer or liver failure. World hepatitis day has been led by the world hepatitis alliance since 2007 and on May 2010, it got global endorsement from the World Health Organization (WHO).  In 2010, July 28 was designated as the   WORLD HEPATITIS DAY in order to provide opportunity for education, and greater understanding of viral hepatitis as a global public health problem, and to stimulate the strengthening of preventive and control measures of this disease. The reason July 28 was chosen was also to honor Nobel Laureate Prof. Blumberg who discovered hepatitis B virus as his birthday is on July 28. The WHO estimates that over 180 million people worldwide are infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) and a further 350-400 million people are chronically infected with the hepatitis B virus (HBV), a virus that is 100 times more infectious than HIV. Chronic HBV and HCV can have serious consequences. It has led to liver cirrhosis in 20-25% and hepato-cellular carcinoma in 1-5% of cases. Cirrhosis is a consequence of chronic liver disease characterized by replacement of liver tissue by fibrosis, scar tissue and regenerative nodules (lumps that occur as a result of a process in which damaged tissue is regenerated), leading to loss of liver function.  Ascites is the most common complication of cirrhosis, and is associated with a poor quality of life, increased risk of infection, and a poor long-term outcome. Other potentially life-threatening complications are hepatic encephalopathy (confusion and coma) and bleeding from esophageal varices. Cirrhosis is generally irreversible, and treatment usually focuses on preventing progression and complications. In advanced stages of cirrhosis the only option is a liver transplant. Acute HBV has a fatality rate of up to 2% in the elderly. These figures indicate the burden of both diseases. Treatment is available for both but is expensive and lengthy. A safe and cost-effective vaccine exists for HBV. Kamalahar - an ayurvedic medicine provides cost-effective treatment of hepatitis without causing any side effects. It is composed of herbal ingredients which have been known to treat liver disorder over hundreds of years. The ingredients have been used by many people practicing traditional or alternative medicine to strengthen liver. It is the combination of those ingredients such as Tecoma undulata, Phyllanthus urinaria, Embelia ribes, Taraxacum officinale, Nyctanthes arbortritis and Terminalia arjuna which makes Kamalahar very effective for the treatment of hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty liver, ascites, jaundice. This year Kamalahar expanded its reach on the World Hepatitis Day to reach out to more patients. The goal for Kamalahar is to reach all patients suffering from Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Fatty Liver, ascites and other liver disorders. Kamalahar has already treated liver disorder for millions of people suffering from it in the eastern part of India.

Phyllanthus urinaria in Ayurvedic medicine Kamalahar plays an important role in the treatment of liver disorders and hepatitis

Ayurvedic product Kamalahar is composed of herbal ingredients proven to be very effective for liver disorder. Once of the herbal ingredients is Phyllanthus urinaria.

Phyllanthus urinaria is an herb found mostly in tropical, sea breeze type climates. It is found in India, Indonesia, China, Bahamas and few other countries. The other name for the herb is Phyllanthus amarus, Phyllanthus niruri, Phyllanthus debilis. In China it is called by the name Hsieh-hsia Chu, In Brazil it is called Quebra pedra and in India where it is used in many herbal medicines it is called Pitirishi and also Budhatri. It can grow up to 12-24 inches in height and blooms with many greenish white flowers. All parts of the plant are employed therapeutically. The difference between Phyllanthus urinaria and Phyllanthus amarus or Phyllanthus niruri is that the urinaria has larger leaves than the latter and the fruit of Phyllanthus urinaria is wart-like.
Phyllanthus has been used for generations in India as an immune system stimulator and to treat people with liver disease including hepatitis. In traditional Chinese medicine, the practitioners use this herb, with its “cool” nature, to clear dampness, heat and toxicity. Research has shown that Phyllanthus urinaria has been shown to block DNA polymerase, which is the enzyme needed for the hepatitis B virus to reproduce.

The key benefits of Phyllanthus urinaria is that it acts as Anodyne, antibacterial, liver protective, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiviral, carminative, choleretic, diuretic, improves digestion, emmemagogue, laxative, vermifiuge. The herb clears the liver, benefits the vision and expels parasites.

It is used for the treatment of many different problems such as Hepatitis, jaundice, Gallstones, Urinary tract infection, nephretic edema, urinary stones, enteritis and diarrhea, swollen and inflamed rectum, prostatitis, gonorrhea, syphillis, vaginitis, asthma, bronchitis, cough, tuberculosis, fever, influenza, digestive pain, joint pain, conjunctivitis, anemia.

It is used in many herbal products produced which have benefits like helping to soothe the liver and in the detoxification of the liver.

The herb is proven to act as antiviral in hepatitis, smooth muscle relaxation to the urinary and biliary tract, lowers blood glucose in diabetic patients and acts a muscle relaxant for the urinary system.

The benefit that phyllanthus urinaria provides in cases of liver disorder is mostly due to the anti-viral affect of the ayurvedic herb.

Ayurvedic medicine Kamalahar, produced by Khatore Pharmaceuticals, has Phyllanthus urinaria along with other herbs which are very good for liver disorder. The ayurvedic ingredient present in Kamalahar are Phyllanthus urinaria , Tecoma undulata, Embelia ribes, Taraxacum officinale, Nyctanthes arbortritis and Terminalia arjuna. It is the combination of the ayurvedic ingredients present in Kamalahar, which the company has pioneered, that makes the ayurvedic product very effective for the treatment of liver disorder, hepatitis, jaundice, cirrhosis, fatty liver. More details on the product Kamalahar and how it has benefited in the treatment of liver disorder can be obtained from the Khatore Pharma website.

Ayurvedic ingredient Tecoma undulata in Kamalahar plays a key role in the treatment of liver disorders and hepatitis

One of the key ingredients which are present in Kamalahar that makes it very effective for liver disorders is Tecoma undulata. It is a tree species that is found in Thar Desert regions of northwest and western India. The trade name of the tree species is Desert teak or Marwar teak. The Sanskrit names for the tree are Rohitaka, Dadimachchhada, Plihaghna, Rohi or Dadimapushpaka. The tree flourishes in the dry districts of India and Pakistan.

Tecoma undulata is a deciduous, ornamental shrub or a small tree that grows as high as 12 m with a girth up to 2.4 m. The leaves of the Tecoma undulata are oblong or linear-oblong and the flowers are pale yellow to deep orange.

Rohitaka, the Sanskrit name of Tecoma undulata, is one of the herbs mentioned in all ancient books of Ayurveda. Two varieties of rohitaka have been mentioned that is rakta (red flowered) and shweta (white flowered).

Tecoma undulata is pungent, astringent and bitter in taste and has cold potency. It has got many medicinal properties. It is antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, hepatoprotective, anticancer, muscle relaxant, analgesic, astringent, anthelmintic and refringent. It is relaxant, cardiotonic and choleretic. It has a special potency as accumulation breaking herb and helps in contracting the spleen. It possesses light and dry attributes. It is used in the diseases like ascites, liver and spleen disorders, jaundice, hepatitis, urinary disorders, obesity, tumors, blood disorders, flatulence, abdominal pain and cough. Seeds of Tecoma undulata are used against abscess. Traditionally in many parts of South Asia, its flower is used for Hepatitis.

The bark-skin of rohitaka has great medicinal value and is used for medicinal purpose, externally as well as internally. Externally, the paste of its bark skin is applied on traumatic wounds, associated with haematoma. It also promotes the wound healing. In conjunctivitis, the juice is instilled into eyes, with great benefit.
Internally, the powder of bark skin is given along with ghee in gaematoma. Rohitaka is specially recommended in ascites with hepatosplenomegaly. It is an excellent blood purifier and cholegogue, hence, quite helpful in hepatitis. The special property of Rohitaka as a reducing herb is salutary in obesity. It is also an antitoxin, hence beneficial in poisons. Rohitaka being a potent blood purifier, it is extremely useful in syphilis, gonorrhea and gout. As a keen stimulant for digestive system, it is very effective in the treatment for piles, anorexia, flatulence, tumors and worm infestations. In leucorrhea, the pulp of the roots is given along with rice water. The decoction of bark-skin, as an adjunct, is salutary in diabetes mellitus.

Ayurvedic medicine Kamalahar made by Khatore Pharmaceuticals is composed of Tecoma undulata along with many other herbal ingredients which are good for liver. The combination of all the herbal ingredients makes kamalahar very effective for the treatment of liver disorders, hepatitis, jaundice, cirrhosis, fatty liver.

Ayurvedic treatment along with diet control is very effective for liver disorders

Ayurvedic medicine or Alternative medicine is currently a good treatment for liver disorders especially for many of the cases where there is no treatment available in the allopathic or western medicine. But along with the alternative medicine there are other suggested things that a person suffering from liver disorder can undertake which will help the person and also act as a nice complement for the alternative medicine that the person is taking.
Below are a list of some foods that are considered to be good for liver which can be safely taken along with the alternative medicine Kamalahar.

Garlic and onions – Garlic contains allicin which is a sulphur-based compound needed by the liver for effective detoxification. Garlic helps the liver rid the body of mercury, certain food additives and the hormone oestrogen.

Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage) – These vegetables are very powerful detoxifiers of the liver. They contain chemicals that neutralize certain toxins such as nitrosamines found in cigarette smoke and aflotoxin found in peanuts. They also contain glucosinolates that help the liver to produce enzymes it needs for its detoxification processes.

Freshly squeezed lemon in hot water – Drinking freshly squeezed lemon juice in a cup of boiled water first thing in the morning helps to cleanse the liver and promote detoxification. It also stimulates bile production, cleanses the stomach and bowel and stimulates a bowel motion.

Beetroot (Beets) – It’s a blood-purifying tonic that is also capable of absorbing heavy metals. If there’s one misconception about a detox, it’s that you need to sip on some tepid-tasting juice concoction for a week-long stretch before feeling “cleansed.” In fact, being more mindful of what you add to your diet often is just as important in promoting a healthy cleanse. And during this time of year, when fresh foods are in abundance, it couldn’t be easier. Check out the top fruit and veggie-based nutrients for liver detoxification, from Detox for the Rest of Us (Adams Media, 2010).

Apples – Apples contain pectin that bind to heavy metals in the body (in particular in the colon) and help their excretion. This reduces the load on the liver and its detoxification capacities.

Artichoke – Increases bile production. One of the jobs of bile is to remove toxins through the bowel, as well as ‘unfriendly’ micro-organisms. It has been suggested that 30 minutes after eating globe artichoke, bile flow is increased by over 100%.

Apart from the diet control a person suffering from liver disorders, hepatitis, cirrhosis, jaundice, fatty liver can take alternative medicine Kamalahar. Kamalahar is an ayurvedic medicine made my Khatore Pharmaceuticals which is based on herbs known to be very effective for the treatment of liver disorders, hepatitis, cirrhosis, jaundice, fatty liver, etc. The details of the product can be obtained from the Khatore Pharmaceuticals website.

Free Traffic system helps Ayurvedic Product Kamalahar to expand its reach to online visitors

Free Traffic system has been a great help to the ayurvedic company Khatore Pharmaceuticals private limited. The article submission engine has helped expand the reach of the company’s ayurvedic product Kamalahar, K-MATIC and K-MENS to millions of people all over the world. Within a span of three months the articles posted on numerous blogs have enabled the ayurvedic product Kamalahar to enter the first page of Google search engine. The first article was posted in the free traffic article submission engine on January 26th 2011 and within a span of 3 months the company has got great results. Khatore Pharmaceutials is very thankful to the company and its article submission engine, free traffic system.

The makers of Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of liver disorder, Kamalahar, set up the website in August of last year in order to expand the reach of the product to people all over the world. Before the website was setup up, the company was facing a limitation as the expansion was dependent on training hundreds of marketing people and then deploying them on the ground. After the web store setup and launch of the online marketing campaign and posting of blogs through Free Traffic system, the word for Khatore Pharmaceuticals and its products (Kamalahar, K-MATIC and K-MENS) have started to spread out slowly but steadily. The company has got many queries in past three months from people living in different parts of the world.

Ayurvedic product Kamalahar has proven to be very effective for the treatment of liver disorders such as Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Jaundice, fatty liver. It is composed of herbal ingredients which have been known for thousands of years in many different countries especially in China and India as herbs very good for liver. The herbal ingredients in Kamalahar are Phyllanthus urinaria, Tecoma undulata, Nyctanthes arbortritis , Embelia ribes, Terminalia arjuna and Taraxacum officinale . These ingredients have been used in many herbal products in India. It is the combination of these herbs that the ayruvedic company Khatore Pharmaceuticals pioneered that makes the ayurvedic product Kamalahar very effective for the treatment of hepatitis, jaundice, cirrhosis, fatty liver. The product is also very good for detoxification of liver. One full course of Kamalahar is good for detoxifying the liver.

The other key products made by company are K-MENS and K-MATIC. K-MENS is a time-tested Ashoka-based indigenous ayurvedic medicine, which improves the blood circulation of the uterine muscles and regulates the menstrual cycle. It is useful in menorrhalgia, dysmenorrhea, oligomenorrhea and other uterine discharges. Ashoka is known as the friend of women and it is very a good herb for women. K-MATIC is very effective for the early stage arthritis and joint pains. It is composed of Ayurvedic ingredients that are known to be good for joint pains. K-MENS is very effective for the treatment of menstrual cycle disorders.

From the Brobdingnag world of internet to the Lilliput world of Kamalahar

For past 2 weeks I have been reading the Gulliver’s Travel. First of all I was surprised to find out that the book is actually in four parts and there are 4 voyages that the author describes. Till now I was just aware of only 1 trip which was the trip to Lilliput land. As a child I had read that story and I was convinced that Gulliver just went to one voyage that is to the Lilliput land. The name of Gulliver is almost synonymous with the story of Lilliput. It was almost a shock to find out the other three stores. The second of the four stories is about the voyage to Brobdingnag. The inhabitants of Brobdingnag are almost opposite to the inhabitants of Lilliput with respect to human beings.

Till now I have finished only 2 parts and I have been quite fascinated by it so far. It was such an influence on me that I almost ignored my work life which is working on the Ayurvedic or the herbal product that I manage as a marketing manager, that is Ayurvedic product Kamalahar. I have been tasked to prepare the marketing strategy for the Ayurvedic product Kamalahar which is a great product for the treatment of liver disorders, hepatitis, cirrhosis, jaundice, fatty liver. For the past 2 weeks I have been going back and forth on my marketing strategy for ayurvedic medicine Kamalahar and reading Gulliver’s travel page by page and enjoying the life of Gulliver among interesting people. In fact the story of Gulliver has helped me articulate some of my own strategy in a better way, as to how to focus on the right variables and ignore the unnecessary details as the author does so often.

When I was working on the online strategy for the Kamalahar I almost felt as if the internet is Brobdingnag and I am Lilliput in front of it. It is so vast and big. It has great principles and highly democratic. It believes in the simplicity of rules which is to live by simple rule of live and let live.

The book takes an interesting dig at the current political system of the world and I was amazed to see that the political system that the book makes fun of applies to the current world too. There is not a single country in this world which is not infested with the political problem that the book talks about.

The author is at pains to explain the merits of the prevalent system of governance in his country England to the king of Brobdingnag. The system that the king find outrageous is in fact better than what is prevalent in the current world and shows us in a naked manner what kind of cruel and inhuman system we are living in. The book is a great political satire.

The Man The Run Machine The Sachin

Finally the moment which millions of fans of Sachin were eagerly waiting for came true. The dream of the man who has given so much happiness to millions of people all over the world is fulfilled and India has won the world cup cricket where he played a significant role. He was the highest scorer from the India team and scored 482 runs at an awesome strike rate of 91.98. The golden moments of the tournament were there were other star performers in almost all the matches other than Sachin which was very pleasant to watch.

The great genius himself summed it up by saying the following words – "I couldn’t have asked for anything more than this. Winning the World Cup is the proudest moment of my life. Thanks to my team-mates. Without them, nothing would have happened. I couldn’t control my tears of joy."

With this world cup win it is almost certain that Sachin will now retire in next couple of years and we might see the last of him in One Day games this year itself.

Personally, I don’t have any more wishes regarding him. This is what I prayed for the whole 1 month and also yesterday when he got out I was glued to one place in my seat hoping that the team carries on and gives him the world cup as a gift.

As Virat Kohli said yesterday, Sachin has carried the burden of the nation for more than 21 years. In fact there are vivid memories of the things that he has done for the nation and cricket. I still remember the 2003 world cup when people in India got mad and threw stones at Kaif’s house. It was Sachin who came out to calm the nerves of people and promised that team will rise up and try to deliver its best. Similarly during the India Pakistan test match when he was given out wrongly the crowd went mad. It was again Sachin who had to walk out in the ground to calm down the people. Who can forget the great fiasco of match fixing scandal which had marred the Indian team badly. It was Sachin and people’s faith and trust in him that kept the team alive and helped it recover.
When the lights finally go out in his career I am 100% convinced that the number of people in India who follow cricket madly will go down little bit. At least 1 person who follows the cricket match like religion will be bit indifferent and that is me when Sachin retires.

Thanks a lot for giving me so much happiness to cherish. The entire team of Khatore Pharmaceuticals and Ayurvedic medicine Kamalahar wishes the team India many hearty congratulations.

Sachin and Sehwag versus Dilshan and Upul Tharanga in the world cup final

On April 2nd the world cup final took place. It was supposed to be a battel between the batting geniouses of India versus the batting geniouses of Srilanka. It was expected to be battle royale between Indian and srilankan cricket team. The equation was evenly poised between the two teams. The top order was performing in both the teams. The milddle order was bit shaky for both the teams and the bowling was good or bad depending on the day.

It depended on who won the toss or rather who got to bat first and scored good number of runs. If the team batting first made more than 300 runs than they are all set. In this equation the role of Sachin and Sehwag become doubly important and same goes for Dilshan and Upul Tharanga. But in the end it was not the known geniouses who did well for their respective teams. It was the shaky middle order which performed and won the day for their team. In the end it was Jayawardhane versus Dhoni the captain of Indian cricket team.

A lot depended on how the opening pair of each team performed and lead to their team running away with the cup or not. All four are flamboyant batsman and can destroy any bowling on their day. But all four opening batsman of the two teams failed on that day and it was left to the later batsman to build.

All the members of Khatore Pharmaceuticals and ayurvedic product Kamalahar were eagerly watching the match and were following up the match closely. In the end Indian cricket team won and it was moment of great glory for the team.

Jai ho Sachin – India won the world cup cricket semifinal against Pakistan by 29 runs

India played Pakistan in the semifinals of the world cup. It was a great match but there were some hiccups on the way. The way Pakistan fielded and then later chased there were some questions to be raised. It was not clear what was going on. In fact they dropped quite a few catches of Sachin Tendulkar which is not to be expected at this level of game. Some of the catches were just sitter and I was bewildered to see the catches dropped even though I am a big fan of Sachin Tendulkar and being an Indian I wanted India to win badly. I just hope it was just the pressure of the cup and nothing wrong in the drops. I wish all the best to the Team India for the Final in Mumbai and hope that they will win the world cup for the 1 billion people and also for its little master who has entertained the world for more than 20 years and now is at the fag end of his career. This is definitely the last world cup for Sachin and I hope he goes with a big smile and world cup in his name and his picture with world cup. Khatore Pharmaceuticals would like to convey its warm wishes to the whole Indian Team and hope to see the team win the world cup on Saturday. Till then keeping all our fingers crossed. Khatore Pharmaceuticals makes Ayurvedic Liver products for the treatment of liver disorders, hepatitis, jaundice, cirrhosis, fatty liver. For more detail visit the website www.khatorepharma.com

Ayurvedic products Kamalahar K-MATIC and K-MENS expand its reach to outside India

The makers of Ayurvedic medicine for liver treatment, Kamalahar, took another step in reaching out to a large number of people all over the world. Kamalahar is proven to be a very effective Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of liver disorders such as Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Jaundice, fatty liver, etc. It is composed of herbal ingredients which are have been known to be good for liver over a long period of time such as Tecoma undulata, Phyllanthus urinaria, Embelia ribes, Taraxacum officinale, Nyctanthes arbortritis and Terminalia arjuna.

Khatore Pharmaceuticals took a big step forward in February for reaching the large number of needy people for its Ayurvedic medicine Kamalahar, K-MATIC and K-MENS.

K-MATIC is very effective for the early stage arthritis and joint pains. It is composed of Ayurvedic ingredients enriched with purified Guggulu, purified Kuchila (Strychnos nux-vomica), Abhrak Bhasma, Soubhagya Bhasma, Malla Sindoor and Ras Sindoor. These ingredients are known to be good for joint pains. K-MATIC is highly effective in the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gout, Ankylosing Spondylosis, Traumatic Synovitis, Inflammation of joints, etc.

K-MENS is very effective for the treatment of menstrual cycle disorders. K-MENS is a time-tested Ashoka-based indigenous ayurvedic medicine, which improves the blood circulation of the uterine muscles and regulates the menstrual cycle. It is useful in menorrhalgia, dysmenorrhea, oligomenorrhea and other uterine discharges. It also helps to maintain the normal hormonal balance. Ashoka is known as the friend of women and it is very a good herb for women. K-MENS is enriched with Ayurvedic ingredients - Saraca indica, Woodfordia fruticosa, Zingiber officinale, Berbens aristata, Nymphea nouchali, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia belerica, Emblica officinalis, Magnifera indica, Carum bulbocastanum, Adhatoda vasica, and Santalum album.

Khatore Pharmaceuticals launched a Google campaign to reach out to a large number of online people who have been hitherto unaware of the product. The company had face a limitation till now as the expansion was dependent on training the marketing people and then deploying them on the ground. After the setup of the Google campaign the word for Khatore Pharmaceuticals and its products (Kamalahar, K-MATIC and K-MENS) have started to spread out slowly but steadily and the company has got quite a few enquiries in past one month from people living in different parts of the world. People who suffer from Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Jaundice, Fatty liver and arthritis have either wrote or called the company to ask more information about the product and how long it will take for them to get completely cured. The company has also started to setup the logistics network to deal with the retail customers who order through the web. Currently it takes 8-10 days for the product to reach in India but in due course of time the company aims to reduce it to less than 1 week. Hopefully, in due course of time Khatore Pharmaceuticals will be able to reach and effectively serve the people all over the world.

Team India losing against South African cricket team is a good omen

I am sure there were many people who were disheartened by the loss against South Africa on Saturday night. India was in such a strong position and could have easily won the match. In fact I was one of the few people who were hoping that India should lose against South Africa. Before you start calling me bad names let me put forth my reasons.
India has so far won 3 games and tied 1 game. If they had won the game against South Africa we would have been in Quarter Finals easily and also it would mean the complacency would creep in the team. As we all know complacency is the worst enemy of the Indian team. Now with the loss of the game I am sue the team India would be under lot of pressure to come up with their best performance. So far they have struggled and far from their best.
Next point is that India will most probably win the match against West Indies. This would mean that India would not have lost a single game in last 6 matches. Now we have to win 3 more games after league to win the world cup. So continuing on this path for India to win the world cup they would not have lost a single game in 9 games. Now it would be interesting to find out how many times India has not lost a single game in 9 continuous games. It is very rare. It has happened only once so far in Indian One day history. It happened in the end of 2008 and beginning of 2009. When India beat England 5-0 and then defeated Sri Lanka in the first four games. So rather than going against the law of averages it is better to stick with the law of averages and have India rather win the world cup. Even in 1983 when we won the world cup we did not win 9 games in a row. In fact we barely qualified for the semifinals and then we went on to win the world cup.
Combining the law of average factor and the complacency factor I would say the loss in the game against South Africa was a blessing in disguise. As we all know that the team India is capable of more than what they have shown so far and also the team which peaks at the right time generally wins the cup so finally we might at last see the India team peaking at the right time and winning the world cup.
Now that my vacation is getting over I have to get back to work and hope to see the Team India win the world cup. For more information on the product, Kamalahar, that I manage please visit our website www.khatorepharma.com. Kamalahar an Ayurvedic medicine that is very effective for the treatment of liver disorders, hepatitis, cirrhosis, jaundice, fatty liver.

India budget for financial year 2011-12 neutral on Pharmaceuticals sector

One of the most awaited affairs of Indian parliament took place today. The Government of India presented the budget for 2011-12. Today the finance minister of India presented the budget in the Lok Sabha. There were lots of expectation from the Pharma sectors and companies like Khatore Pharmaceuticals (www.khatorepharma.com) that are engaged in Ayurvedic (alternative) medicine business. The budget hiked the allocations for health for the next financial year of 2011-12. The government continued to provide the push for better health care for the citizens and hiked the plan outlay for health by 20 percent. Alternative medicines also got a push in the budget with the government announcing the reduction in the import duties for certain inputs for the manufacture of alternative medicine. The budget was especially good for the poor people and increased the allocations for “The Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana” which will be now extended to MGNREGA beneficiaries, beedi workers and others. In 2011-12, the government further proposed to extend the scheme to cover unorganized sector workers in hazardous mining and associated industries like slate and slate pencil, dolomite, mica and asbestos etc. The biggest relief for the industry and companies like Khatore Pharmaceuticals (www.khatorepharma.com) is that the budget did not hike the excise duty on drugs and did not roll back the stimulus package that were extended couple of years back, though there were some apprehensions in this regard. This will boost the sales of the small pharma companies and help them in these tough economic times when the prices of most of the things have increased. India has a growing business of pharmaceuticals industry and it is the leader in Ayurvedic medicine and one of the leaders in the generics. There was more that the Government could have done for the industry and overall the budget was neutral for the industry. Khatore Pharmaceuticals makes Ayurvedic medicines. The key product from Khatore Pharmaceuticals is  Kamalahar which is very good for Ayurvedic treatment of liver disorders such as hepatitis, Jaundice, cirrhosis, fatty liver, etc.

Kamalahar - First successful shipment of the Hepatitis Ayurvedic product from Khatore Pharmaceuticals to a developed country

It has been a long time since I send an article and I thought it might be time for me to come back again and write an article on the experiences that I had in dealing with customers of Khatore Pharmaceuticals (www.khatorepharma.com) . Finally the first shipment of our Ayurvedic product Kamalahar to USA has happened. We send the product to an old lady who has been suffering from hepatitis C and she has started the medication.
The way it started was quite interesting. One fine morning I received an email in our customer support inbox requesting about the product. At that time we had not setup the logistics for shipment to USA. We were still putting things in place for our online store for shipment in India. Till last year we were doing direct selling through chemists and stores. Finally we had decided to go online to expand our reach. But we had thought we might just be focused on India market for some time to come. But after the email and a request from her that she has been suffering from quite some time and does not want to use the allopathic medicines (in which anyways there is currently no cure for Hepatitis C) we decided to setup the things in a jiffy.
We discussed the options with our client and asked her the various options of shipment and payment. We asked her if there is someone she knows in India who is travelling to USA so that we can ship Kamalahar to him/her and they can take Kamalahar to our client. She said she does not know anybody and would rather have Kamalahar shipped to her through courier or post. We were not sure if it will reach her. But we decided to give it a try and shipped Kamalahar to our client through an international courier even though we were not sure if it would reach her.
Finally after a wait of 10 days the shipment arrived at her door step and she has started to take Kamalahar, our best medicine for the treatment of liver disorders such as hepatitis, jaundice, cirrhosis, fatty liver etc. We also asked her to do tests before she starts taking Kamalahar and after she takes it for 2 weeks. We got the reports after 2 weeks and as expected the report has started showing positive results. We are quite excited as so far we have only served patients in India but with this successful shipment to USA the whole market of developed world has opened up for us.
I am looking forward to providing Kamalahar to needy people in USA, Canada and other developed countries. In fact if things work out as planned we will look forward to shipping our other Ayurvedic products too.

Kamalahar - An Ayurvedic medicine helps cure patients during Jaundice epidemic

Shri Vinay Mitra Mandal, a non government organization from Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India, has been involved in many social welfare activities. They regularly participate in Jaipur foot camp in collaboration with Balco and provides light-weight artificial limb made of Aluminium to people who suffer from lower limb amputation. They have also been involved in other relief and social welfare programmes. One such programme was in Kukurbeda and Subhash Nagar areas of Raipur Chhattisgarh. There was an outbreak of Jaundice in the poor areas of Chhattisgarh  including Kukurbeda and Suhash Nagar. Many people suffered from Jaundice and most of the people suffering were poor women and children.  The outbreak of Jaundice was mostly in the slum and poor areas of Raipur as the hygiene in these areas are not good.
During the outbreak of Jaundice, Shri Vinay Mitra Mandal took several steps to help the people. They worked closely with the local government officials and also with the mayor of the municipal corporation of Raipur. They collaborated with the private sector business organizations and doctors to help the poor people of kukurbeda and Subash Nagar. They organized camps where poor people were given free medical checkups and free Kamalahar medicines were distributed. Kamalahar is an Ayurvedic (herbal) medicine which is very useful in the treatment of liver disorders such as hepatitis, jaundice, cirrhosis etc. It is also very good for liver detoxification to make the liver strong. The medicine is widely used in the eastern part of India to treat Jaundice, Hepatitis and Cirrhosis and it is very cost effective. The NGO worked closely with Khatore Pharmaceuticals private limited, makers of Kamalahar to help the patients.
During the outbreak of Jaundice in poor areas of Raipur, apart from setting up the camps, Shri Vinay Mitra Mandal also dedicated their office to distribute free Kamalahar medicines to the needy patients The initiative by the NGO in collaboration with Khatore Pharmaceuticals Private limited benefited hundreds of patients and helped in controlling the epidemic. The people who benefited from the initiative included poor women and children who have been the most affected by the outbreak.

Kamalahar - Ayurvedic remedy for Hepatitis, Jaundice, Cirrhosis and liver detoxification

Kamalahar made by Khatore Pharmaceuticals, is a great herbal medicine for treatment of Hepatitis, Jaundice & Cirrhosis and also for detoxification of liver. The ingredients in Kamalahar which play a key role in the treatment are Tecoma undulata, Phyllanthus urinaria, Embelia ribes, Taraxacum officinale, Nyctanthes arbortritis and Terminalia arjuna.  These ingredients are known to be good for liver and have been widely used in the olden days to make the liver stronger in many countries especially in India.
Some of the benefits of ingredients are as follows:
Tecomella undulata has got medicinal properties which are good for liver. The bark obtained from the stem is used as a remedy for syphilis. It is also used in curing urinary disorders, enlargement of spleen, gonorrhoea, leucoderma and liver diseases. Seeds are used against abscess. Traditionally in its flower is used for Hepatitis.
Phyllanthus urinaria has great medicinal properties and is used for treatment of many diseases. Some of its functions are Anodyne, antibacterial, liver protective, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiviral, carminative, choleretic, diuretic, improves digestion, emmemagogue, laxative, vermifiuge, Clears the liver, benefits the vision, expels parasites, drains damp.
It has been used in the treatment of Gallstones, Urinary tract infection, nephretic edema, urinary stones, Enteritis and diarrhea, infantile marasmus, swollen and inflamed rectum,  Prostatitis, gonorrhea, syphillis, vaginitis, Hepatitis, jaundice, Asthma, bronchitis, cough, tuberculosis, Fever, influenza, Digestive pain,  Joint pain, Conjunctivitis, Anemia.
It is the combination of these natural herbs which the company Khatore Pharmaceuticals has pioneered that makes it very effective for the treatment of Hepatitis, Jaundice, Cirrhosis and for liver detoxification. With Kamalahar, it is proven that the patients see result within 1 week and most of them are back to normal in 2 weeks. The product has already benefited millions of patients in the eastern parts of India where the company is based and where Khatore Pharmaceuticals is traditionally focused right now. The details of the products can be obtained from their website www.khatorepharma.com. The patient testimonials based on the first hand knowledge of the patients are available on the website.

Ayurvedic medicine for making the liver strong and healthy

Ayurveda means the complete knowledge for long life.  Ayurvedic medicine is a system of traditional medicine native to India and practiced in other parts of the world as a form of alternative medicine. In Sanskrit, the word ayurveda consists of the words āyus, meaning "longevity", and veda, meaning "related to knowledge" or "science". Evolving throughout its history, Ayurveda remains an influential system of medicine in South Asia especially India. The earliest literature on Indian medical practice appeared during the Vedic period in India. The Suśruta Saṃhitā and the Charaka Saṃhitā were influential works on traditional medicine during this era. Over the following centuries, ayurvedic practitioners developed a number of medicinal preparations and surgical procedures for the treatment of various ailments . In Western medicine, ayurveda is classified as a system of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) that is used to complement, rather than replace, the treatment regimen and relationship that exists between a patient and their existing physician. There are many Ayurvedic medicines and Ayurvedic companies in India. In fact there are many treatment under Ayurveda for which there is no treatment in western medicine.  Many of the Ayurvedic medicines are common knowledge in Indian household for e.g. the use of Tulsi or Holy Basil leaves. Tulsi’s extracts are used in ayurvedic remedies for common colds, headaches, stomach disorders, inflammation, heart disease, various forms of poisoning, and malaria.  One such medicine is Kamalahar from Khatore Pharmaceuticals Private limited. It is completely herbal product. The ingredients in Kamalahar which play a key role in the treatment are Tecoma undulata, Phyllanthus urinaria, Embelia ribes, Taraxacum officinale, Nyctanthes arbortritis and Terminalia arjuna.  These ingredients are known to be good for liver. But it is the combination of these natural herbs which the company has pioneered that makes it very effective for liver disorders such as Jaundice, Hepatitis, Cirrhosis and also for liver detoxification. Kamalahar is proven to be very effective in the treatment of Jaundice, Hepatitis and Cirrhosis. Currently many of the patients who suffer from Jaundice or Hepatitis are asked to just rest and control the diet and it can take a very long time before the patients can become normal or sometimes they don’t even become normal. With Kamalahar, it is proven that the patients see result within 1 week and most of them are back to normal in 2 weeks. The product has already benefited millions of patients in the eastern parts of India where the company is based and where its traditionally focused right now. Kamalahar is also taken for liver detoxification to make the liver stronger.  The big stress of current work life takes a heavy toll on our body. The irregular and oil reach diet makes our liver weak and sometimes leads to many other problems . 1 full course of Kamalahar is very useful to detoxify the liver.

Kamalahar - Ayurvedic treatment for Jaundice, Hepatitis and Cirrhosis

I live in the eastern part of India. It is a small town in the state of Jharkhand. The flora and fauna of the state is great. The mountains of the state and the great forests provide great opportunities for the makers of the herbal medicines.
I would like to share my experience with an Ayurvedic product with you. Kamalahar had played a major role as a life saver after the corporate hospitals had given up treatment when my friend’s mother was suffering from Jaundice with Ascitis. Currently there is no western or allopathic medicine for Jaundice. The doctors mostly ask for rest and control of diet. They hope that with proper diet control and rests things will be taken care. But many times this is not enough. This is a big issue if the patient is undergoing malaria treatment or some other treatment whereby the patient is required to take medicines which affect the liver. In those cases the patient is sometimes left at the mercy of luck.
My friend’s mom who is an old lady was suffering from Jaundice for quite some time. The serum bilirubin level went up to as high as 22. The bilirubin after six months of rest diet and allopathic treatment was around 16 (sixteen) and she had become a mere skeleton of her old self.
They came to know about Kamalahar through a family friend. They found out the details about the medicine and if there is any side effects of it. Once they found out that Kamalahar is a unique Ayurvedic/herbal product which is very effective in the treatment of liver disorders especially Jaundice, Hepatitis and Cirrhosis. The medicine is purely herbal and it does not have any side effects. My friend’s mom started the medication and after taking the medicines for 7 days she started seeing positive results. Her bilirubin level which had been high for past 6 months started going down dramatically. We become very happy and she continued her medication. After 1 month of treatment, her serum bilirubin was a bit above 1 and within 3 months 0.65 which was in normal healthy range.
They have been very thankful to Khatore Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Limited for the medicine. Since then they have been in constant touch with them and introduced me to the company. In fact after the Kamalahar experience we used another of their medicine called K-MATIC which is very useful for arthritis. But on that I will write some other day as that was an experience in itself. In this article I want to focus on Kamalahar. My aunt is now more than seventy five years old and she is still healthy and has not complained about the Jaundice problem anymore. Ever since that all the adult members of our family have used Kamalahar for Liver Detoxification to make our liver strong. Hopefully this article will benefit many more suffers of Jaundice, Hepatitis and Cirrhosis for which our modern system of medicine is still struggling to find a cure.